[driverloader] Need help configuring

Joe Martine martine3 at cox.net
Sun Nov 23 06:50:27 EST 2003

There are a number of ways to do this, some I think a bit more 
"elegant", but I haven't tried too many yet. What I did is add some 
extra stuff to /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 and /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf so that 
any interface can be wireless. Works for me, anyway. First, 
rc.inet1.conf is where you set the per-interface parameters for 
Slackware. The configuration tool will too, so I expect it may wipe out 
any manual edits if you run it later, so keep that in mind. This is how 
mine looks:

# Config information for eth0:

I added the WIRELESS, ESSID and WEP entries. Also added them to the 
other interfaces, just put "" for the assignment.

Then, in rc.inet1, you have to add a few lines:

eth_up() {
# If the interface isn't in the kernel yet (but there's an alias for it in
# modules.conf), then it should be loaded first:
if ! grep eth${1}: /proc/net/dev 1> /dev/null ; then # no interface yet
if /sbin/modprobe -c | grep -w "alias eth${1}" | grep -vw "alias eth${1} 
off" > /dev/null ; then
/sbin/modprobe eth${1}

 > # If the interface is shown to be wireless, configure that first.
 > if [ "${WIRELESS[$1]}" = "yes" ]; then
 > iwconfig eth${1} key ${WEP[$1]}
 > sleep 3
 > iwconfig eth${1} essid ${ESSID[$1]}
 > fi

if grep eth${1}: /proc/net/dev 1> /dev/null ; then # interface exists
if ! /sbin/ifconfig | grep "eth${1} " 1> /dev/null ; then # interface 
not up
if [ "${USE_DHCP[$1]}" = "yes" ]; then # use DHCP to bring interface up
if [ ! "${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$1]}" = "" ]; then
/sbin/dhcpcd -t 10 -h ${DHCP_HOSTNAME[$1]} -d eth${1}
/sbin/dhcpcd -t 10 -d eth${1}

This is in the Ethernet Functions part of the file. I showed a fair 
chunk so it's easy to find your place. All I added was the wireless part 
with the arrows in front of it. For some reason, my particular wireless 
card wants the WEP set first, then a pause before assigning the ESSID. 
Otherwise the link doesn't come up. That's the reason for the sleep 3.

One note, this works for Slackware 9.1. All previous versions of Slack 
used a different method of starting the interfaces.

Other ways I have considered trying:

It appears when driverloader is being loaded it's actually trying to set 
these parameters itself. But they fail. I've not found where it is 
trying to do it yet...

According to 'man modprobe.conf', I ought to be able to make an entry 
something like:

install driverloader /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install driverloader ; 

so that it will load the module, then run my start script. I tried that 
once, and it didn't work, but then maybe I just don't know what I'm 
doing with it yet! :-) The nice thing here, I wouldn't have to edit the 
standard scripts, just add my own.

Hope this helps.

Nick Marques wrote:

> I have Driverloader properly configured (although I received the 
> tainted module warning).
> However, my Kernel’s attempt at configuring the device fails. First of 
> all it treats it as eth0. When I start Linux, any settings I specify 
> in iwconfig don’t save upon reboot. It get my network working, I have 
> to issue iwconfig eth0 essid myessid. Then I have to run ifconfig to 
> verify it is now listed as eth0 there. Then I have to run dhcpcd.
> How am I supposed to configure all of these things to happen during boot??
> I’m a total newbie running Slackware 9.1, Kernel 2.4.22. Any info 
> would rock. I have a Dell Inspiron 8000.
> Thanks!!
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