[hcflinux] Versions of Linux mandrake which will compile HCF driver.

Martin Hughes martin.hughes at mrch.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Nov 16 17:44:54 EST 2003

Hello Marc,

When version 1.00 of your HCF drivers came out, I promised that I would let
you know about issues on early versions of Mandrake Linux. I used the
tarball version of hcfpcimodem-1.00lnxt03091600full for testing and power
pack versions of Linux Mandrake from 7.2-8.0 and 9.0 to 9.1. For Mandrake
8.1 I used the download version.

The driver will compile successfully on Mandrake 8.1 or higher and work very
well. Thanks again to you and your colleagues for the good work.

Mandrake 8.2 has specific problems because the power pack comes with two
versions of gcc and gets them mixed up! To correct this, ensure that gcc and
gcc-cpp are installed for gcc-2.96 (as well as kernel-source). The make and
the compilation then work ok.

Mandrake 7.2 is so vastly different with problems relating to gcc and
compiling against the hacked 2.4.0 kernel that need a lot of time to solve.

Mandrake 8.0 has a suitable version of gcc but building/linking fails
because the linker can't find the sprintf routine and another routine
related to pci operation. Again, I have not had the time to continue bashing
away here. I may have another go sometime as Mandrake 8.0 is s system which
works well for me.

The final beta release compiles on all Mandrake versions from 7.1 through to
9.1 and kernel 2.2 or kernel 2.4.

Finally a word of apology. After further investigation of the Mandrake 9.1
CDs I found that an rpm of the final beta version of hcfpcimodem was
available on the power pack. I complained to you in error about this so
please accept my apologies for this.

Martin Hughes

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