[hcflinux] drivers not loaded under Mandrake 9.2??

Larry and Andrea Gagnon lagagnon at uniserve.com
Tue Dec 9 11:14:34 EST 2003

I have a Creative ModemBlaster v.92 PCI modem, whose chipset should be 
supported by the Linuxant HCFPCI drivers, according to their website. I run 
Mandrake v9.2.

I downloaded the generic RPM, loaded it, all went well except for RPM error 
"package has bad signature" I assume that's a PGP thing. No RPM errors and 
the packages seemed to install correctly. Upon reboot dmesg shows that none 
of the hcfpci drivers were loaded and hcfpciconfig gives "Error: hcfpci 
driver not loaded". hcfdiag.txt states "can't locate module /dev/ttySHCF".

What have I missed here - anything I need to do to solve this problem, any 
ideas appreciated. Thanks!

Larry Gagnon
Larry and Andrea Gagnon
59 Fenton Place,
Victoria BC, V9B 6K9, Canada
tel: 1-250-704-1247

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