[riptide] Audio on currently unsupported setup

Patrick O'Leary pao@mailandnews.com
15 Jun 2002 15:58:05 -0400

I have a Riptide HSF chipset, with PCI ID 127A:4311, which is listed as
"sound not supported".  I have successfully installed the kernel modules
for HSF and Riptide (module versions:  HSF, 5.03.02.L2mbsibeta02060200;
Riptide, 0.3mbsibeta02061200; kernel version 2.4.18, custom compiled on
Debian Woody).  After a quick chmod 666 /dev/dsp, I can play things to
the sound card (XMMS shows visualizations properly).  However, nothing
comes out of the speakers.  The problem is not with the hardware (sound
is fine in Windows 2000 SP2) but something in configuration or the
driver.  I am not sure what.  Is there any diagnostic information I
could give that would help clear up the "sound not supported" issue?

Also, I just noticed that while playing sound from XMMS, every text
console is flooded with "<RIPTIDE>-------POLL------" messages, with more
dashes than I showed.  This doesn't happen when I cat a sound file on
the command line.  Thanks for taking on the driver project though; I'm
glad to see someone is working on it even if I don't need the modem

Patrick O'Leary